Youth Game Schedule

Youth Game Schedule

Div A Schedule

Tue - Sep 3
Time Court Home Team Away Team
6:30 PM Red A2-Storey Gold A1-Slechter Chocolate
6:30 PM Blue A3-Wideman Maroon A4-Headingtom Orange
Sat - Sep 7
Time Court Home Team Away Team
10:00 AM Red A4-Headingtom Orange A2-Storey Gold
10:00 AM Blue A1-Slechter Chocolate A3-Wideman Maroon
Sat - Sep 14
Time Court Home Team Away Team
10:00 AM Red A4-Headingtom Orange A1-Slechter Chocolate
10:00 AM Blue A2-Storey Gold A3-Wideman Maroon
Tue - Sep 17
Time Court Home Team Away Team
6:30 PM Red A4-Headingtom Orange A3-Wideman Maroon
6:30 PM Blue A1-Slechter Chocolate A2-Storey Gold
Sat - Sep 21
Time Court Home Team Away Team
10:00 AM Red A3-Wideman Maroon A1-Slechter Chocolate
10:00 AM Blue A2-Storey Gold A4-Headingtom Orange
Sat - Sep 28
Time Court Home Team Away Team
10:00 AM Red A3-Wideman Maroon A2-Storey Gold
10:00 AM Blue A1-Slechter Chocolate A4-Headingtom Orange

Div B Schedule

Sat - Sep 7
Time Court Home Team Away Team
11:00 AM Red B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate B1-Farmwald Gold
11:00 AM Yellow B3-Boggs Maroon B6-Dean Purple
11:00 AM Blue B4-Austin Orange B5-Vaulx Coral
Tue - Sep 10
Time Court Home Team Away Team
6:30 PM Red B3-Boggs Maroon B4-Austin Orange
6:30 PM Yellow B1-Farmwald Gold B6-Dean Purple
6:30 PM Blue B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate B5-Vaulx Coral
Sat - Sep 14
Time Court Home Team Away Team
11:00 AM Red B6-Dean Purple B4-Austin Orange
11:00 AM Yellow B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate B3-Boggs Maroon
11:00 AM Blue B5-Vaulx Coral B1-Farmwald Gold
Sat - Sep 21
Time Court Home Team Away Team
11:00 AM Red B4-Austin Orange B1-Farmwald Gold
11:00 AM Yellow B5-Vaulx Coral B3-Boggs Maroon
11:00 AM Blue B6-Dean Purple B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate
Tue - Sep 24
Time Court Home Team Away Team
6:30 PM Red B5-Vaulx Coral B6-Dean Purple
6:30 PM Yellow B1-Farmwald Gold B3-Boggs Maroon
6:30 PM Blue B4-Austin Orange B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate
Sat - Sep 28
Time Court Home Team Away Team
11:00 AM Red B4-Austin Orange B5-Vaulx Coral
11:00 AM Yellow B6-Dean Purple B3-Boggs Maroon
11:00 AM Blue B2-Jake Slechter Chocolate B1-Farmwald Gold

Div C Schedule

Tue - Sep 3
Time Court Home Team Away Team
7:30 PM Red C2-Alder Gold C1-Barnhardt Chocolate
7:30 PM Blue C3-Ballard Maroon C4-Haegele Orange
Sat - Sep 7
Time Court Home Team Away Team
12:00 PM Red C4-Haegele Orange C2-Alder Gold
12:00 PM Blue C1-Barnhardt Chocolate C3-Ballard Maroon
Sat - Sep 14
Time Court Home Team Away Team
12:00 PM Red C4-Haegele Orange C1-Barnhardt Chocolate
12:00 PM Blue C2-Alder Gold C3-Ballard Maroon
Tue - Sep 17
Time Court Home Team Away Team
7:30 PM Red C4-Haegele Orange C3-Ballard Maroon
7:30 PM Blue C1-Barnhardt Chocolate C2-Alder Gold
Sat - Sep 21
Time Court Home Team Away Team
12:00 PM Red C3-Ballard Maroon C1-Barnhardt Chocolate
12:00 PM Blue C2-Alder Gold C4-Haegele Orange
Sat - Sep 28
Time Court Home Team Away Team
12:00 PM Red C3-Ballard Maroon C2-Alder Gold
12:00 PM Blue C1-Barnhardt Chocolate C4-Haegele Orange

Div D Schedule

Sat - Sep 7
Time Court Home Team Away Team
1:00 PM Red D2-Wolford Gold D1-Wymer Chocolate
1:00 PM Yellow D3-Barnhardt Maroon D6-Spires Purple
1:00 PM Blue D4-Hopkins Orange D5-Beverly Coral
Tue - Sep 10
Time Court Home Team Away Team
7:30 PM Red D3-Barnhardt Maroon D4-Hopkins Orange
7:30 PM Yellow D1-Wymer Chocolate D6-Spires Purple
7:30 PM Blue D2-Wolford Gold D5-Beverly Coral
Sat - Sep 14
Time Court Home Team Away Team
1:00 PM Red D6-Spires Purple D4-Hopkins Orange
1:00 PM Yellow D2-Wolford Gold D3-Barnhardt Maroon
1:00 PM Blue D5-Beverly Coral D1-Wymer Chocolate
Sat - Sep 21
Time Court Home Team Away Team
1:00 PM Red D4-Hopkins Orange D1-Wymer Chocolate
1:00 PM Yellow D5-Beverly Coral D3-Barnhardt Maroon
1:00 PM Blue D6-Spires Purple D2-Wolford Gold
Tue - Sep 24
Time Court Home Team Away Team
7:30 PM Red D5-Beverly Coral D6-Spires Purple
7:30 PM Yellow D1-Wymer Chocolate D3-Barnhardt Maroon
7:30 PM Blue D4-Hopkins Orange D2-Wolford Gold
Sat - Sep 28
Time Court Home Team Away Team
1:00 PM Red D4-Hopkins Orange D5-Beverly Coral
1:00 PM Yellow D6-Spires Purple D3-Barnhardt Maroon
1:00 PM Blue D1-Wymer Chocolate D2-Wolford Gold

Div E Schedule

No data is available for the season yet.

Div F Schedule

No data is available for the season yet.